Fungal diseases of the feet (athlete's) and toenails (onychomycosis) bring a person a lot of problems. In addition to the ugly appearance, the pathology also a malignant effect on the human immune system. How to quickly cure nail fungus on feet at home folk remedies, it is necessary to know each, because the medical therapeutic methods do not always give a positive effect.

What is nail fungus
Onychomycosis refers to an infectious disease. The first sign of mold – less change the color of the nail plate. Instead of healthy nails a light pink color in humans begin to grow dim or yellow. Often the fungus affects the big toes on the feet, but if left untreated, then quickly spoils everything the nail plate. Because he's sick of the nail becomes get soft, then constantly breaks down and disintegrates. The falling particles are the source of infection of onychomycosis of the surrounding people.
How to cure nail fungus on my feet
As shown by medical practice, to quickly cure a nail fungus, it is necessary to approach a problem holistically. For effective treatment you need to use antifungal medications that remove the causative agent of an infectious disease. Because they multiply mushroom spores, lingering in the sprout area of the nail a longer period of time inactive, then it is necessary to ensure their destruction.
With the growth of the nail the spores are activated, causing an infectious process, so antifungal therapy medicines is usually long-term. To modern methods of treatment of onychomycosis include:
- the administration of drugs against the mold system measures;
- the processing of the infected nail plate and surrounding tissues by local remedies (ointments, varnishes, gels);
- intake of drugs, increases in the peripheral tissues of the extremities, blood circulation;
- the courses of physiotherapy, aimed at improving the blood flow in the legs;
- folk remedies that will help cure the infection.
How to quickly cure nail fungus on the feet, it is necessary to know, because not always have the opportunity to consult with your doctor. Therapy includes the use of anti-fungal medicines in and medicines, which are applied directly to the damaged nail. Ointments, gels, varnishes against mold and mildew contribute to the liquidation of the fungus infection in the nail platinum, case the risk of re-infection and spread of onychomycosis. The use of systemic and local antifungal therapy is considered mandatory, the others treatment is carried out on request.

Antifungal ointments
At the first signs of the disease to deal with fungus on the nails on the feet help to ointment. The main purpose of the use of local drugs – destroy mould and yeast fungi, which are on the surface of the nail plate.
Treatment of the nails on the feet medicines systemic action is produced more anti-fungal drugs. Tablets help to quickly cure the infection, stops the multiplication of fungal cells, which leads to their demise.
Effective therapy of fungal lesions of the nail platinum is carried out with special lacquers. The advantage of this antifungal agents is a high efficiency, because he, unlike the thick ointment, the faster it penetrates into the nail plate, by destroying the spores of the fungus. The only minus means – high price.
Antifungal cream means outdoor use of ointments vary lighter consistency. Minus creams against fungi – relatively low efficiency, regardless of the composition.
Treatment of nail fungus at home
There are many recipes that help fight fungus on nail at home. Many use economic soap to quickly cure the fungus, because in its composition contains substances that have a soothing effect, anti-inflammation, anti-bacteria. If you want to cancel the onychomycosis, you need a day to handle the affected nail infections the fungus that had to rub with soap. Exposure time 15 minutes. For softening the nail platinum this period, lacking. After the infected nails and the skin layers, a maximum cut.
An effective remedy against onychomycosis – tea tree oil. Contains substances that have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. The most powerful way of treatments – a warm bath for the feet. This is the pan you should pour the water (45-50 degrees), add 20 drops of tea tree oil, omit the there legs on the ankle and on the couple in 15 minutes. Then wipe dry and using a pair of scissors and a nail file, remove the affected the fate of the nail plate. We have to do something, treatments a day to how to get rid of mold and mildew.
Folk remedies from nail fungus on feet
Your grandmother's recipes into our time, it came a huge amount. The most effective treatment of nail fungus folk remedies:
- Tincture of celandine. How to prepare it, it must be fresh plant wash, dry, pour rubbing alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1:2. Tincture is ready to use after 2 weeks. It is used for baths, compresses, treated shoes.
- Solution of propolis. It is sold in pharmacies. Helps to heal even the running fungus. Its should be used on a cotton swab, apply to the damaged nail at night, then top to wear warm socks. The components of the tincture contribute to a better penetration of propolis on the nails, and anti-inflammatory action.

The fight with onychomycosis effectively done using tincture of iodine. His actions against the causative agents of infection is based on the coagulation of their proteins, which leads to the destruction of cells of pathogenic microorganisms. The easiest way – apply one drop of iodine (tincture) a day on the affected area. Judging by the ratings people, the fungus will disappear very quickly. In prophylactic use a nail sinker with iodine is processed through the day.
According to the opinion of experts, involved in treatment of onychomycosis, one of the most effective methods to get rid of the disease is the use of garlic. It can be consumed as in the mono version, and at the same time with other substances. App spicy vegetables:
- handle every day the affected area of the freshly squeezed juice of garlic;
- apply at night to the affected area garlic mash, tying bandages, sealing patch;
- every day do therapeutic wraps from a mixture of: 1 grated garnish with a slice of garlic,1 teaspoon of salt.
High efficiency in the treatment of onychomycosis have acid baths. The essence of the creating inside of the nail plate the acid environment in which pathogens cannot multiply and grow. Thanks to this work manages to quickly get rid of them. At the first appearance of symptoms of infection, it is necessary to pour in a pan of warm water (50 degrees), add homemade apple cider vinegar from the calculation of the 3 tbsp essence to 1 litre of water. Take bath daily for 15 minutes. Before the procedure is necessary to remove the nail file the entire Horny layer.
Hydrogen peroxide
Dermatologists advise in the treatment of onychomycosis to use hydrogen peroxide. However, before its use it is necessary to steam feet in a solution of soda (1 liter of water, 1 hr. l. soda). After a cotton disc (the size with the affected boards) soak with hydrogen and attach to the damaged property. The cure will take place faster if in addition to this procedure, a few drops of the healing fluid to drip into the cavity of the nails 2-3 times/day.
Than to treat the old nail fungus on my feet
In addition to the above methods, to cure the old of onychomycosis you kombucha. Before using the legs need to steam, wipe dry. Since the mushrooms in a pre-separated thin layer, which, during the hours soaked in water. After the piece is cut and applied at night to the infected nail. In the morning the poultice is removed, the dead part of the edges cut off, and the finger is washed with a solution of manganese. Another effective way – the use of fir oil. Wet in it of cotton wool to the nail plates is 40 minutes, after which the tampon is to be removed, and the legs to wipe.
Surgical method
Removal of the nail – the most painful way to get rid of onychomycosis. Although the operation – it is always quick and efficient result, but after the present risk of developing complications in the form of a lymphadenitis, an abscess on your finger, osteomyelitis. First the nails treated with antiseptic, then save tourniquet and local anesthetic. Will the nail plate develop a yellowish is removed using surgical instruments. A relaxed resting place cleaned from the damaged tissues, processed into iodine and closes a bandage with antiseptic cream.

Laser treatment
How you can quickly cure nail fungus on the feet, if medications do not help – this question is the man asking the doctor after several weeks of antifungal therapy. There is a quick and effective way to get rid of onychomycosis using a laser device. Derive the fungus helps the penetration of the infrared spectrum deep into the nail plate. In this case the use of anesthesia is not necessary, because the procedure is painless. The process of removing the affected nail is not complex:
- the day before the procedure, it is necessary to steam the legs, the maximum equipment surface of the affected nail plate;
- before starting therapy, the patient is put on the safety glasses;
- finger treated with a special gel;
- performed laser cleaning, then the gel removed;
- when you access an unskilled specialist may be complications in the form of scars and burns in the area of impact of the laser device.