Fungal defeat can become this serious problem, which will bring a lot of inconvenience, first of all aesthetic. But the output is always there — the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a huge amount of anti-fungal drugs.

Sponge – this is a very unpleasant disease, which can overcome and the adults and kids in any age. Let's see, what resources help to cope with it.
Since nail fungus on his feet that is better?
Fungal diseases occur very often. Almost every 4 person infected by this disease, often without.
As usual, the defeat of the fungal infections will not cause serious damage to the health of a person, but in the form of running going on poisoning the body with toxic substances.
It can cause weakening of the immune system and lead to other negative consequences.
Quite common is the defeat of the fungus on the feet. In addition, nails and skin will acquire an unsightly appearance and treatment of the disease requires a lot of cost, time, manpower and resources. But the disease is run in any case it is not possible, otherwise it spreads to other parts of the body.
Determine the course of treatment the physician should how to get rid of the mold it is necessary:
- determine the type of pathogen disease
- the area and the extent of destruction of the nails and feet
- the condition of the skin
Modern pharmacology offers a variety of funds to fight the mold on your feet.It is usually associated with the course of treatment, which includes:
- administration of medicines antimycotic character
- the use of drugs for local action
- antibiotics, if joined to a bacterial infection
In the initial stage of the disease You can help folk remedies:
- celandine
- garlic
- iodine

In cases of minor destruction infections more often are recommended:
- ointments
- suspension
- creams
- varnishes
- drops
Through 10-14 days of treatment agent is to be changed, because the mushrooms proper to produce resistance to drugs.
When the running form of the disease the doctor may prescribe medication antifungal spectrum.
In some cases, the nail plate or part we need to remove the conservative or surgical method.
The best treatment – it is a comprehensive approach, which includes simultaneous intake of pills and remedies for external use. But to engage self-heal may not. The findings of the Polish signs of the lesion fungus, seek medical help immediately.
Antifungal medication for nails on the hands
Our hands are in some cases, they may be exposed to the infection by the fungus. Infection occurs gradually:
- it starts itching in the palms of the hands
- appears small rash
- the defeat goes on the nails in the form of spots
- maybe inflammation of the nail roller
Treatment is assigned after the identification of the causative agent and its sensitivity to drugs. Medication antifungal spectrum may be:
general (systemic) action – view at medium and severe stages of the disease, and out only by a doctor:
- synthesis.
- allylamines.
- polity.
local events – valid for small lesions of the nail plate. Are issued in the form of:

- spray – more effective as a preventive tool
- mortar – deep into the board, contribute to the high concentration of medicinal substances
- the cream not only heals, but also soften the skin around the boards
- nail Polish – are displayed only in the initial stages of the disease
Treatment for nail fungus on the hands requires patience, because it takes at least 2 months.
Remember that compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, together with a robust immunity, reduce the risk of mold and mildew.
Modern pharmacology offers a pretty big selection of drugs for the treatment of fungal infections. What remedy is most effective?
However, we remind you that the treatment of the disease should be prescribed only by a doctor. And independent of the choice of drugs may be not only ineffective, but also dangerous for health. Best same remedy for nail fungus on the feet, according to the opinion of all experts, is the prevention of the disease:
- observe the rules of hygiene
- do not use foreign things
- do not wear tight shoes
- at elevated sweating feet, use the special sprays
- in the nail salon make sure that the appliances have been disinfected
Antifungal drugs during pregnancy and lactation
Often the drugs have number of side events. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy or lactation should carefully approach to the selection of drugs to hurt the child.
Important: the Majority of physicians are inclined to the opinion that in this period of pregnancy the treatment of fungal infections is better not to carry, because the disease is not dangerous to life, and the risk for a child from drugs is too great.
However, in some cases, doctors recommend that the treatment of drugs of local action:
- varnishes
- ointments
- creams
It is also possible to use the traditional methods of treatment of mold and mildew. A day lubricate the affected places:

- birch tar
- the mixture, consisting of honey, eucalyptus oil and vinegar
- tea tree oil
- gruel of garlic
- iodine
Also, the effective use of local spa:
- with the addition of vinegar and potassium permanganate
- soda and household soap
- a decoction of oak bark, calendula and horsetail, which
Before you start to use any means, check with your doctor. I'm sure you should strictly observe hygiene and perform the following:
- before feeding the child wash hands with soap (economic or tar)
- time to do a pedicure and manicure, removal of the affected part of the nail
Antifungal products on nails for kids
If You find out from your child change the color or shape of the nail plate, do not postpone visit to the dermatologist. Early treatment – promise that the disease will pass into a more severe stage.
As usual, in the treatment of mold in children are appointed by the medicines for local use:
- antifungal ointment with bifonazole and clotrimazole
- varnishes and plasters containing ciclopiroxolamine
- drops loceryl
- trays with the use of decoctions of herbs (marigold flowers, bark of oak)
- patches from slices of stems of kalanchoe on the affected fungus nail
In addition, in the course of treatment the child spend a complete disinfection of his stuff:
- shoes
- toys
- the dishes
- linen
- clothes
Not apply the illness of his crumbs over as not to further spread throughout the body.
Antifungal nail Polish
Antifungal medicines in the form of varnishes only applies when the initial stages of development of the disease or in the presence of contraindications to the domestic intake of drugs. These drugs have a number of advantages:
- well to soften the plate of the nails, that promotes penetration of the medicinal substance in an increased concentration of
- they penetrate even to the slightest diverge the nail plate
- when dry prevents getting oxygen into the sponge
Apply varnish should be either every day or 2-3 times a week, according to the instructions. Here are a few general recommendations for using this tool:
- well steam nails affected by fungus
- dry using napkins
- remove the affected tissue using a nail file
- wipe the nail surface by some means of degreasing
- apply the varnish
- prior to subsequently applying the dried layer of paint to remove
- treatment should be continued until it is grow back new, healthy nails
Ointment and cream from nail fungus on feet
In the treatment of nail fungus with the use of creams and ointments for outdoor events. The advantages of the use of these drugs is:

- to ensure a high concentration of medicinal substance to the affected segment
- in moisture and softening the skin around the nails
Antifungal creams are divided into different groups depending on the active ingredients:
- asalouye – they have a very broad spectrum of action, have a fungicidal effect
- allylamine – is also effective in the fight against fungal infections. After the end of treatment concentration medication for some time is saved, thereby reducing the rice of recurrence
Choice of drug depends on the type of agents and is determined by the physician. Ointments and creams, as well as other drugs, a local event, you specify when running stages of destruction of fungi and in the complex treatment.
The principle of the use of drugs:
- steam feet in soap–soda water
- apply to the affected nails a special patch otslaivayutsya action
- remove the maximum possible amount of infected nail
- dry dry feet
- apply the ointment or cream
Remember that some types of ointments are not suitable for use during pregnancy and children. Before using, read the instructions.
Antifungal pills for nails
Effective therapy against fungus on the nails is oral intake of antifungal pills, the so-called antifungal agents. The use of these funds ensures how to get rid of unpleasant disease in almost 100% of cases. But taking them without talking with your doctor in any case can not be, the course of treatment is assigned by a specialist.

Patterns of drug use may be different:
- daily use for several months
- "pulse therapy", during which after a week of intake of drugs should three weeks of break
Depending on the chemical composition and the spectrum of antifungal drugs are divided into different groups:
- polity – have the highest degree of activity
- synthesis – determine in the treatment of mucus, hairy parts of the body, the herpes
- allylamine – view in ringworm
- other groups – has a narrow range, it is assigned when severe forms of the disease
In the treatment of antifungal tablets very important does not violate the scheme of the income assigned by a doctor. So as the premature use of drugs, or their omission may cause a relapse.
Remember that some medications can have contraindications and side effects. Therefore, carefully read the instructions. You may have to the appointment of drugs, the prevention of intoxication.
Cheap antifungals for nails
Often, antifungal medications prescribed by the doctor, are available to all. However, the treatment should be carried out. We fast, how to get rid of such unpleasant diseases, such as fungus, without spending a lot of money.

Among the oral drugs, fights infections from the inside, we can mention the drugs with ingredient Fluconazole, which is at its low value is a very effective means.
In the early stages of the disease can help the non - funds, which on their effectiveness it is no worse than specialized:
- iodine
- hydrogen peroxide
- a solution of potassium permanganate
- fukortsin
- powder boric acid
Data medication it is necessary to lubricate diseased nails every day morning and evening. For softening and removal of the affected stratum corneum instead of the costly drugs can be used nogteva.
Excellent in such cases it helps and steaming feet in the water, and a solution of detergent. As you can see, the treatment can be affordable. The choice is yours.
The ammonia liquor from nail fungus
One of the inexpensive, but effective methods of struggle with such unpleasant phenomenon, as a sponge, is a solution of ammonia or ammonia liquor. About its use in medicine has long been known, and that helps to get rid of mold and mildew, they know not all. And after all it is a powerful antiseptic agent.
Use the ammonia liquor in the antifungal therapy can be in many ways:

- as a compress (make a solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:10, moisten a cotton disk or bandage and to impose on the affected nails. Roll up the film, leave over night)
- spa foot or hand of 3 parts water, 1 part ammonia, alcohol and 1 part hydrogen peroxide
- processing of the nail plate with a solution of ammonia, alcohol, vodka, glycerin and water
However, please note that ammonia injection for the treatment nail fungus — it is the only accessory tool. The basic therapy is not a substitute.