Ignoring the initial symptoms of nail fungus, previously helena later a person begins to seek an answer to the question — is cured, zdf launched phase of the onychomycosis? Unfortunately, many patients are turning to doctors with pronounced symptoms of the disease, when the external disturbances are added to the physical pain and the unbearable itching. In this case, it is assumed a long comprehensive treatment, the end is not always a guaranteed positive result. Plate separates from its bed, as the space under her drowning fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms. Also suffer from and skin veil around the affected places in the body— peel, redden and become swollen, gradually the infection spreads and it is up to them.

Treatment nail fungus-running forms of folk remedies
Recipes alternative therapies can log on to a comprehensive solution to the problem, but it cannot be used as a standalone method. Use in domestic conditions of medicinal herbs and natural products, helps to speed up the process of healing.
Efficiency have the following means:
- the vinegar from the nail fungus. Perhaps the most popular choice for the fight with onychomycosis. There are quite a few ways to use this product of the year in folk medicine, but the most effective are considered the equipment on its basis. Mix in a clean container 2 tbsp. l. vinegar — apple cider helena table, 2 station al vodka and 1 tbsp of glycerine. Finished apply the mixture for 15 minutes on the pre-steamed the nail plate using a moistened cotton disc. After a lapse of time of compress change on a new, again for a quarter of an hour, repeating the manipulation of 4 times. Treatment of acetic acid lotions may be accompanied by unpleasant feelings, but worrying about it is not necessary. The discomfort gradually goes away. Therapy should be continued until the regrowth of healthy plates.
- iodine at the fungus nails. This drug is a known disinfectant, antimicrobial and wound-healing properties — all of these criteria are essential in the fight against onychomycosis. Alcohol solution of iodine is spread on pre-prepared nail boards 2 times a day. Maybe, initially, the treatment will be accompanied by a burning sensation and increased pruritus, but fear not — uncomfortable feelings mean that the drug works. The length of therapy should not exceed 21 days, due to the risk of development of adverse effects.
- hydrogen peroxide from nail fungus. And it's cheap drug, present in every home medicine cabinet, can be used from the old onychomycosis in the form of an integrated approach. It disinfects the machine the fabric and filled them with oxygen, disrupts the normal activities of the originators of the disease. How to get rid of the pathology, it is necessary to steam feet in hot water and remove from the nails redundant stratum corneum. Then connect to home infection a piece of cotton cloth, liberally soaked in 3% hydrogen peroxide, and fix the bandage. Over an hour of the tape unstuck. Compresses with hydrogen peroxide is recommended to be performed twice a day until recovery.Also, the drug can be used according to the method of professor Neumyvakina. Dr. insists that the domestic income of peroxide in combination with external treatment may get rid of onychomycosis without determining the antifungal tablets and gels. The composition is applied to the pattern, read more about which you can learn from the many videos on the internet.
- blue vitriol from nail fungus. It would seem that this product is used in agricultural areas and not for the treatment of people, but reviews suggest that it successfully cope with the mycosis at any stage of their development. From this tool you can perform active boban friends for the processing of contaminated with nail fungus. For its preparation it is necessary to heat on a dry frying pan 1 tbsp of copper sulfate to change color — it should be white. Then the powder is mixed in equal proportions with goose grease and a medical sulfur, the product of the year it is placed in sterile cans and further stored in the fridge. Boban friends apply every day strictly on the bearings onychomycosis, without affecting the surrounding skin area. Positive changes will be evident after one week.
- garlic on the fungus nails. This plant is known fungicidal and disinfectant properties. As a natural antibiotic, it promotes the destruction of pathogens of onychomycosis in any extent of the defective process. On its basis it is possible to cook a good healing cream. Several lobules garlic crushed by a press and mix with the same amount of butter. Product stored in the fridge. The cream is spread on the surface of the nail roller, the affected infections, several times a day. Month pathology disappears.
- fir oil from the nail fungus. The product has antioxidant and antiseptic effects. To cure them of onychomycosis on running form it is possible to provided a systemic solution to the problem. A cotton swab to moisten the fir in the oil and attach to the pre-steamed the nail plate for 30 minutes, fastening the top to the bandage. Then a bandage remove it and put a tissue to dry the natural way. The processing carried out daily until the disappearance of the symptoms of the disease.
- celandine from nail fungus. There are many recipes from this medicinal plant, but one of the most effective is the tincture on its basis. Cook it is a piece of cake. Dry helena fresh grass celandine pour rubbing alcohol in the ratio of 2:1. Take the future of the therapeutic agent in a dark place for 12 days. When the remedy is ready, is to filter it and begin to process them nails affected by infection, using no more than 5 drops on one plate. The recommended course of treatment — 2 weeks. It must be remembered that the drug toxic, why deliberately increase the dosage no need to.
- tea tree oil nail fungus. This drug is used in two ways — baths and friction. In the first case, ethers are added to the hot water — 20 drops per 1 ml of the hands of helena's feet sink in the liquid for 20 minutes. In the second variant to one part of tea tree oil is introduced to two of any base oil (olive, vegetable, etc.) and the resulting tool is applied to the affected nails. In both cases it is the course of treatment is at least a month. Treatments can be combined among themselves.
- the ammonia liquor from nail fungus. Effective folk remedy for onychomycosis is milk of ammonia, and glycerin. The components are mixed in equal quantities and shine in a glass vial. The nail plate, and also the skin around them, and the gaps between his fingers, smeared with the obtained mixture in the morning and evening. Also the ammonia liquor is added to the socks trays from the calculation of the 3 century-ml to 1 l of water.
- soda from nail fungus. Sodium bicarbonate, perhaps the cheapest and easiest option of home treatments onychomycosis. The fabric softens the nail plate, contributing to their exfoliation, alleviate the symptoms of the pathology, and the preparation of tissues to the action of the drug funds. Soda make socks, trays, and pastes, which are applied in the form of applications on the affected nails. Because relapses in onychomycosis — an event common, therapy continues until the regrowth of healthy nail plate.

Laser therapy
The need for removal of the nails occurs, in that case, if other options therapeutic effects have proved to be ineffective. More recently, the widely used surgical procedures that were carried out ambulatory and were painful, but now they shift came laser. The method is completely safe, because during the procedure occurs destroying only the cells of the mycelium, healthy tissues are affected and suffer. Treatment by this method more efficiently, and signs of improvement in the condition of the nails can be observed already after the first session. The whole course of laser therapy, when diagnosed with onychomycosis will need a few practices — usually about four. During these, the specialist will lubricate the layers of the affected area of the nail plate. Treatment by this method does not preclude the use of external drug with antifungal effect and to carry out preventive procedures. Plate using a laser remove not only partially, but in full, if the infectious process to get to the deep layers of the nail and nerve endings, and therapy local antimicotica does not bring improvement.
Drug means, a receive mode,
In dermatology recently applied the concept of "pulse therapy". According to this method, drugs for nail fungus are used short courses with the longer breaks. This makes it possible to exclude the development of adverse reactions in the body, as well as accumulate in the affected tissues of the plate a sufficient amount of medicinal ingredients, which, despite the break in treatment, continue to provide the desired action. The scheme of therapy of onychomycosis is directly dependent on the symptomatology of the disease and its severity. When running the pathology in it should contain:

- the oral designation of the antifungal drugs — tablet helena capsules;
- the use of antifungal ointments, creams and lacquers on the outside;
- treatment methods of folk medicine;
- removal of the nail plate when excessive its destruction.
Launched nail fungus cannot be cured without drugs intended for use inside, there's tablets and capsules. As in the digestive tract of humans, are easily absorbed into the general blood circulation, exerting a powerful antifungal effect on the body.
Local antifungals also in demand in a fight with an old fungal infection. It is applied directly to the bearings of the disease, according to the tips in the instructions, 2 times a day until complete recovery. There are popular ointment with a fungicidal and fungistatic effect.
Antifungal varnishes
They are intended for the local treatment of nails affected by infection. The paint penetrates deep into the nail plate, through the hairline cracks and the pores, aggravating the effectiveness of the conducted therapy. The Film, emerging immediately after the application of the drug, warns of oxygen to the sponge, deprive him of breath. In addition, the tissue is protected from negative external environmental factors. Before that, how to process nail plates, infected with onychomycosis, medicinal varnish, the surface is degreased, using alcohol solution helena hydrogen peroxide, as well the peeling of the tissue are processed in advance to disinfect the nail file.
Factors bring rapid cure
How would be effective regardless of the selected method of onychomycosis, it is better to take effect, if before using it to perform a preliminary preparation of the machined zone. To do this you need:
- make a bath of 3 liters of hot water, 50 g of chopped homemade soap and 3 tbsp of soda;
- skip the hands of helena his feet into the solution for 15 minutes;
- steamed nails trim the edges with scissors, remove the peeling fragments of special clippers helena pumice stone;
- rinse once again of the limbs and wipe dry.

These manipulations are carried out every time before using the drug at the foci of infection. Thanks to them, the active ingredients easier and more successful to penetrate into the deepest layers of the nail, creating a more pronounced therapeutic effect. When neglected onychomycosis tray plays a positive supporting role, then there are of great importance. In addition, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of hygiene, to exclude the probability of samsarajade and recurrence of the infection. For this purpose, the patient is recommended to change daily hosiery-hose products, boil it for washing, use disposable items for processing nails, regularly disinfect shoes. In addition, attention is paid to proper nutrition. For example, if there is a disease in humans caused by candidiasis of the nails, then he is assigned a special diet which forbids the intake of sweet foods, white bread, yeast.
Launched nail fungus in children, pregnant, lactating and older
Onychomycosis affects not only the adult population but also children and the elderly, women in pregnancy period and breast-feeding. Maximum the immune system and the impossibility of the use of a wide range of drug funds seriously complicates the treatment of nail fungus in these patients.
- children and the elderly. Experts are trying to avoid the identification of systemic antifungal drugs. Mostly children are compared to the outdoor drugs and pills and capsules, only in case of absolute necessity with the individual calculation of dosage depending on the weight and age of the child. These restrictions also relate to patients aged.
- prospective and nursing moms. Antifungal agents are under the strict supervision of the attending physician. In this period, the experts are trying to limit the cot facilities — local antimicotica and recipes of folk medicine, help stop the growth and multiplication of pathogens of onychomycosis. But when it comes to running form an unhealthy process, women are assigned to the system and external products with regard to duration of pregnancy and the potential risk to the fetus.

Prevention of running of onychomycosis
Prevention old fungal infection is based on the rapid establishment of health organization — for this it is necessary at the first signs of disorders of the process. Compliance with all recommendations made by the attending physician ensures quick recovery and restore the appearance of the plates. To the nail to remain healthy, it is important to monitor the purity of the hosiery-hose bijoux et and shoes, not going barefoot in public places, use talc helena special deodorants at elevated sweating feet. Moreover, it is necessary to focus on the tools that has a master in salons, before performing a manicure and pedicure. Ideally it is better to have your personal items. A day is recommended to wash your feet using soap.