Natural folk remedies is quite effective in onychomycosis in the early stages. Most of them are used at home, really help to get rid of hell of diseases.
Hydrogen peroxide removes nail fungus on the feet in running (chronic) form, but the treatment will be long enough. Dermatologists recommend in the process of getting rid of ad pathology lubricate with perhydrol daily (once in 2 days) and healthy nails to prevent infection.
Thus, how to cure a running nail fungus on my feet with hydrogen peroxide?

- App 1. In the basin (buckets) to steam out your legs and try to remove (cut, scrape) from the nail plate of the affected crust. Gauze swab to dip into the perhydrol and to apply the treated nail. Top wrap with foil. Repeat the procedure twice a day but the regrowth of healthy nail plate.
- App 2. Perhydrol to connect with Apple cider vinegar in equal quantities. Gauze saturate the resulting composition and applying it Yes eaten away by disease of the nail. To wait for the completion of effervescent effect. Legs, rinse under running water, dry thoroughly. Dalia apply pharmaceutical preparation designed by physicians.
- App 3. To steam foot in hot water with the addition of liquid soap or copper sulfate, to dry. A cotton pad abundantly dampened with peroxide, apply to affected nail, cover with a piece of film, fixed in place with a strip bandage. To withstand compress for 35-40 minutes, scrape razmyagchayuschiesya cloth, moth fungus. Distances to treat the surface of the anti-fungal drug prescribed by a specialist-infectious disease.
The treatment of onychomycosis in the advanced form of vinegar (wine, cider) is a proven and effective app. To obtain the expected result is important:
- Use natural product no chemical additives;
- Proportioning in warehouses;
- To follow the treatment regimen;
- Only use your stuff.
Accept acid bath
Prepare a basin (bucket) where you can comfortably place the foot. Pour it in heated water and vinegar (in equal amounts). The fingers should be completely covered by a cleansing liquid. Duration 40-50 minutes. Sessions need to repeat and complete replacement of the injured cornea. In complicated stage of onychomycosis of the bath should be carried out with the simultaneous intake of pharmaceuticals, which will appoint a mycologist.
Make vinegar compresses
Pour into a bowl 2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar, prepare a cotton swab (ROM), a polyethylene film. Cotton wool soaked in vinegar, apply Yes, a compromised cornea, wrap (not too tight!) film. Leave it on for 3-3. 5 hours. The total duration of therapy acetate is 2.5-3 months. To terminate sessions only when fully formed new nail plate. And Even a small number of remaining infected tissue may trigger a return of the pathological process.
The treated nails edney-acetic warehouses

Good results are obtained by the treatment of nail fungus advanced forms of Apple cider vinegar in combination with alcohol 5% iodine solution. Components are mixed in equal quantities.
Before processing, the nail plate should be soften in hot water, trim the peeling part. The prepared mixture is applied with a cotton pad (stick) on all the affected cornea with a careful grip side edges. Don't forget to grease with a solution (with another disk) and healthy nails to prevent infection.
The effectiveness of the treatment of nail fungus with iodine in the advanced form confirmed by the dermatologists and mycologists. What's the secret to the effectiveness of such a popular (and cheap!) method? Ed is able to fold proteins. Parasites Deplete the Horny plates, have a protein structure, feed on keratin – fibrillar protein. Therefore, ed has the ability to "crush" the athlete's foot, directly influencing it.
- Method 1. Twice a day on the nail plate apply one drop of solution (5%). Nearby marigolds also do not leave without attention – lubricate them with iodine once a day. Don't forget that the solution gives the nail plates unsightly yellowish tint. 7-10 Zen phenomenon will be feeling a strong burning sensation in the damaged areas – a sign that the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms started. The entire course of treatment takes 20-40 Zen. If the feelings are unbearable – treat nails once/day.
- Method 2. Within half an hour steam the feet in very hot water with addition of soda (1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water) and salt (twice the amount). Bite tweezers or cut off with scissors dead zone, rinse them with clean water, dry. The affected skin cover the nail plate (using cotton pad, fleece) three layers of iodine solution (after complete drying of the previous one). The procedure is carried out before bedtime for 30 Zen.
The positive dynamics of the treatment of nail fungus in chronic (neglected) the form of iodine confirmed by numerous reviews of people who have used this method.
Before applying make sure you are not allergic to this drug. Apply a little oil on your wrist and leave for 12 hours.
If you do not experience any irritation – you can safely use it. The entire course lasts two months and involves steaming or direct application. To the bath per liter of water is added 5 drops of oil. Undiluted extract is applied with a cotton swab on the surface of the nail after steaming feet in the soapy water.
To wash it is not necessary.
Essential oils
Did you know that some essential oils are renowned for excellent antifungal characteristics? Yes example, if diagnosed with advanced forms of nail fungus, the treatment can be carried out using these oils:
- Oregano (origanum) – phenomena is one of the most potent natural antifungal and antibacterial agents. Carvacrol is an ingredient of oil – known for strong antibacterial properties.
- Tea tree – is able to cope with bacterial, viral, fungal infections, in t.. h. with long-standing fungal infection on the toes.
- Lavender has antiseptic, antifungal, regenerating effect. Properties are enhanced in combination with the oil extract of tea tree.
- Clove has the substance eugenol, which copes with fungal parasites, etc.
Let's look at how to treat fungus of the toenails started using the oil concentrates:
- Thoroughly wash feet using washing (tar, fir) soap, dry.
- To apply all essential products in a diluted form (except lavender oil). You can connect them with the following base oils – jojoba, almond, olive.
- Procedures carried out daily for 2-3 months.
- To enhance the action of medicinal oils possible, combining them with baths, drugs.
Tested recipes:
- Recipe 1. Connect the 100 ml of warmed vinegar (9%), 6 drops of tea tree oil, 2 drops of oregano oil. Composition is add to a bowl with warm water. Keep your feet in the healing baths of 20 minutes. Please note that water should wash the ankles.
- Recipe 2. 10 drops of lavender oil, 6 drops tea tree mix with 4 tea spoons of Apple cider vinegar. The mixture pour into a dark glass container and shake well. Add 30 ml cooled boiled water and again shake well. The resulting lotion to treat the damaged nails 3 times a day. Before skin using the composition of good shake.
- Recipe 3. Measure out 2 tbsp. of talc or 2 tbsp of corn flour and pour into a plastic bag. Add 15 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of peppermint essential oil. Package tie (to seal) good shake and leave for a day. To apply not only to the infected nails and the foot after a cleansing bath.
- Recipe 4. Mix 5 drops of lavender oil and tea tree and 1 tablespoon of almond oil. Store in a container of darkened glass. Three times a day to wet the cotton wool oil "cocktail" and make application to the affected area.
To successfully cure fungus, you can use a simple budget tool. There are plenty of inexpensive options that actually deal with fungal infections.
Traditional methods of fungus treatment may not completely cure nail fungus, but their use significantly improves the condition of the patient and relieves the symptoms.
Traditional medicines are recommended to use as Supplement Yes medical treatment if it is approved by a dermatologist.
Soda and propolis

Baking soda is used for baths or cooking pasta. To the bath take 2 liters of water and add a small spoon of baking soda. The diseased nail must stand in the solution for 10-15 minutes, then thoroughly dry the foot.
For pasta, you need to take a tablespoon of baking soda and add some water in it. Then apply to the infected nail and add a few drops of juice from a fresh lemon. A mixture of not flush for 5-7 minutes.
Propolis has many medicinal properties, therefore it phenomena is a real helper in the fight against fungus plate. If the daily on the nail, apply tincture of propolis on alcohol, it is guaranteed to accelerate the disappearance of the infection and repair tissue damage.
The tincture can be used for cooking trays. To do this, spoon of tincture diluted in a liter of hot water. The duration of the procedure hell 10 and 15 minutes, during this hour legs steamed and it will be possible to remove the affected layers of the nail plate.
The causes of the disease
Nail fungus or onychomycosis is a common disease that may the infectious form. It develops due to activity of microorganisms, of which there are about 50 species.
But for simplicity they are combined into three groups:
- Dermatomitsety;
- Molds;
- Yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida.
The most common phenomena are dermatomitsety, Yes, 90% of cases of nail fungus are associated with the types of microorganisms that belong to this group.
Reasons and conditions for the development of this disease may be:
- Failure to observe basic rules of personal hygiene;
- Contact with an infected person, usually via any common user items (combs, towels, Slippers, accessories for manicure and pedicure);
- A weak immune system, right example, on a background of reception of antibiotics;
- Various diabetic diseases;
- Age older than 60 years — according to statistics, most often, nail fungus is common among people in this age group;
- Impaired blood flow to the extremities, for example, varicose veins;
- The presence of fungal structures on the skin and inside the body.
In addition to the above the development of nail fungus caused by the following factors:
- Seriously etnia mechanical damage to the nail plate and injury to fingers;
- Long-term impact of adverse chemical factors;
- Sweating, wet, and cold extremities with VSD;
- Flat, synthetic and tight shoes, that is all that leads to the small distances between the fingers;
- Humid and warm climatic conditions of the area;
- Professional expenses: manicure and pedicure, doctors-dermatologists more at risk of nail fungus;
- Frequent visits to public areas, especially with wooden floors and high humidity in the premises (gyms, spas, and saunas).
However, one should not panic if you often go to the gym or if your age is approaching sixty years of age Yes, it does not mean that you have to be nail fungus.
As with any disease, nail fungus is the symptoms and even in the early stages.
You should be concerned and visit a doctor if:
- Constantly feel itching of the fingers, particularly their ends;
- Redness and other color changes of the skin around and under nails;
- Ingrowth, delamination, deformation and brittle nails;
- Change the color of the nails.
In later stages the symptoms are worse:
- More painful itching;
- Strong burning;
- The nail crumbles or, on the contrary, is thickened (depending on the type of fungus);
- Inflammation;
- Weeping limbs;
- Dysbiosis;
- General weakness and drowsiness.
Upon detection of any symptoms of nail fungus you should immediately contact the dermatologist for the diagnosis. If the presence of the fungus is confirmed, the dermatologist to determine its type and assign the appropriate treatment.
After infection toe fungus requires a hour to settle down on the nail plates. First, the infection affects the thumbs, during the year or a longer period hours, she destroys the nail structure. This process is accompanied by the following symptoms:
- thickening plate (enhanced keratinization of the tissues);
- the color change (the plate becomes yellow, black, or brown);
- the crumbling of the region (in the absence of treatment or its incompleteness fungal infection spreads throughout the entire thickness of the nail, whereby once the ' Adecco and crumbly);
- itching the nail the surrounding skin;
- unpleasant smell coming from the feet.