Anyone who is familiar with the fungal infection, knows how many problems it brings this disease. In the summer months is not able to wear sandals, but at home legs must euphemistically hide the socks. In addition to aesthetic problems, onychomycosis brings problems and physical, therefore, it is important to "stop" the disease still in the beginning.
The list of places where it is possible to become infected with mold, it is endless, and so are you, where is the risk to catch a fungus the most high:

- At home, when using the nail accessories, "the whole family" (one pair of scissors or tweezers on each, for example).
- In the beauty salon (and at home) during a manicure/pedicure session nail extensions and so on, provided that enough high-quality processing tools.
- In the pool — when walking barefoot in the vicinity of the pool itself or public showers.
- In the public baths, saunas, gyms.
- When the use of common towels.
- When using the Mat for their own "whole family".
- When wearing a tight or low-quality shoes.
- SPA-salons, fitness clubs.
- In "exchange" of shoes (one friend gives to vilify the other, or the same guests is give yourself a shower someone in the family).
- With frequent use of socks/stockings made of artificial fibre.
- With frequent contact (and subsequent injury to the nail plate) with home chemistry.
- When taking oral contraceptives or antibiotics.
What treatment can be prescribed by a doctor – most effective products
Scarcely had they discovered signs of incipient mycosis, it is necessary to go to a dermatologist or to the mycologist.
The specialist determines the kind of mold, and according to research, prescribe treatment. Usually sufficient examination, analysis, scraping of tissue for research, the evaluation of the thickness/nails designs, determine the type of mold.
What is the treatment?
- In the initial stage is sometimes enough antifungal lacquer and cutting those parts of the nails that have been affected by mold.
- In the local treatment of the use of the usual antifungal agents (from the ointment and patch the solutions and varnishes), usually twice a day.
- Applying the product on the nails is done only after treatment of the feet. First — softening of the nails/skin in a warm soda solution and with the help of soap. Over — applying the product on a timely manner. On — again hygiene procedures.
- How much to treat? It depends on the stage of the disease. To cope with a sponge, as with a runny nose, it won't work. Treat will have a long — in stock patience. As usual, it comes at this process from 2 months to 1 year.
- When the ineffectiveness of local treatment, the specialist will prescribe antifungal drugs general validity (inside). But after the specials/the survey and in the absence of contraindications. Also in combination with other medications/substances. Contraindications: breast-feeding and, of course, pregnancy, as well as intake of hormonal contraceptives, diseases of the kidney/liver.
- The accompanying action. In the course of treatment you will need to master all of the shoes (even socks and other) accuracy/solution, which is prescribed by the physician.
- At the end of treatment (that is, when grow healthy nails), will be necessarily carried out control tests. Their result and prove effective was the treatment or dermatophytes still present.
Note: nail fungus — very tenacious "infect". In addition, it is known for high resistance to anti-fungal drugs. Therefore, should be to cure the disease until the end, otherwise when the re-treatment, the effect will be very low.
And, of course, you should not get involved self-medicate. All medicines only prescribed by a specialist!
The 10 best folk remedies for nail fungus
In the presence of suspected nail fungus, at the same time with treatment by a specialist, you can use, and one of the folk methods. It is not recommended to perform to its place of treatment to the doctor — you risk to aggravate the problem, and then the healing process will be really long and exhausting.
So, what tools to us from our grandmothers and grandparents?
- Ointment for fungus. Mix vinegar (art 1/l, 70%-d) + raw egg + dimethyl phthalate (1 h/l) + vegetable oil (1 art/l). Apply the mixture to the affected area of the nail yourself, wrap the top of polyethylene, put on top of the x/b socks. Such a compress should be worn for 4 days.
- Regular nail treatment in one of the following tools: tincture of propolis, the antiseptic tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar.
- Baths for the feet. For them you can use sea salt (preferably without additives), the infusion of celandine, yarrow, st. john's wort, oak bark, chamomile, calendula, etc. After the trays need to lubricate the nails lemon juice, iodine or apple cider vinegar.
- Iodine. The essence of the treatment: twice a day apply on damaged nails (20 days) 1-2 drops of iodine. When successful, treatment further let's move on to the processing of 1 times in 3 days.
- Kombucha. Its extracts are used as poultices. Enough to impregnate the gauze, put a bandage and leave over night under a polyethylene and socks. It is also possible to use directly a part of the tea fungus on the nails, after which it is necessary to wrap and leave for a couple of hours. After — on a pair of legs and put a mixture of apple cider vinegar (1 piece), alcohol 96% (2 parts), glycerin (2 parts). Leave it over night. The course of treatment — 2 weeks.
- The garlic oil. Pour rubbed with garlic hot sunflower oil until complete coverage of garlic. All the mix, tightly closed, and insist 2 days. The essence of the treatment: wetted swab in the oil, apply to the patient land, store, bandage, protecting top of polyethylene, put on socks and leave for the night. Course — 2 weeks.
- Vinegar. Wetted swab in vinegar (9%), apply on the damaged stretch, wrap polyethylene, fix the patch and leave for the night. Morning all, once again we repeat.
- Soda with celandine. Up your feet in a solution (3 liters of water + 1 art/l soda), wipe your feet, lubricates the diseased part together with your fingers the oil of celandine (look for at the pharmacy). Course — 2 weeks.
- Birch tar. Up the legs using the household/soaps (about 20 min), cleanup of the soles of the feet with a pumice stone, cut nails, dry wipe the legs and lubricates the nail with the fingers of birch tar. They put feet on the paper for 1.5 hours and read a book. Next, remove the excess tar bandage, put on a x/b socks and we forget, when the legs for a few days. After the expiry of my feet again with the home/and soap in lukewarm water. Evening repeat the procedure. Course — 2 weeks.
- Kalanchoe. Treatment: on unpainted nails adhesive using a patch of the leaves of kalanchoe so that the cover together with holes. Patch with listikami is changing every day. Course — 2-3 weeks.

The use of folk methods — only after the consultation with an expert!
Prevention of nail fungus – how to protect yourself from the threat?
Protect yourself from mold can easily compliance with the rules of hygiene, and timely preventive measures.
- In all public places (beach, showers, locker rooms, pool, spas, salons, etc.) we put easily washable slippers. Do not walk barefoot where there is a risk to pick up any infection!
- Not to put on one's shoes (including the shower away — it is better to look like in socks).
- They are not strangers towels and nail needs.
- He gets up from the tub, put my feet on the overall (and often they are wet, not the first freshness) the pad, and its the same towel (pre-mark it under such targets).
- Regularly check the feet and nails on the topic of the emergence of signs of mold. At the slightest symptoms (appeared to diverge/itching between the fingers, changed the color on the nails, etc.) to take action. This means that the buy ointment, specials/varnishes etc.
- Try not to use tight, narrow shoes as well as boots from low-quality materials.
- We periodically evaluate the your shoes from the inside with antiseptics.
- To feet are not sweating, use deodorants, talc, etc.
- We only use x/b socks. When you need to use pantyhose/tights (apparel of nylon and other synthetic fabrics), home necessarily to shoot, up the legs, we evaluate.
- In the heat we wear open shoes — for ventilation and free air. Sweaty feet — the soil for the growth of bacteria.
- Not measure the shoes in the store without socks on bare feet.
- Dry wipe the feet after the bathroom, including the gaps between the fingers — it was from there begins a sponge.
- Not allowed cracks on the feet — use a moisturizer.
- The legs of my antibacterial soap.
- At high risk of infection (e.g. on holiday or in the pool) we apply the antifungal cream, powder or spray.
- Thoroughly dry the shoes, if wet. No, no our wet shoes/boots.
- Choose exclusively the best salons for the procedure of pedicure/manicure.
- Not allowed ingrown and deformation of the nails — take action in a timely manner.

It is not so difficult. Enough compliance with personal hygiene — and you can safely protected from mold and mildew.
Adequate diagnosis and treatment of the disease is possible only under the supervision of a physician in good faith. Upon the occurrence of anxiety symptoms of nail fungus, consult an expert!