In the initial stage of nail fungus on the hands – it's a pathology, which are typical of the loss of a healthy shine, brittle, change color and thickness of the nail plate. Know the symptoms of the pathology, the patient will be able, in time, turn to an expert. Treatment to stop the disease, and that preventive measures re-development of the pathology.

Treacherous onychomycosis
One of the most common infectious disease is onychomycosis, popularly known as the mushroom. Pathology is not only common, but very insidious, and therefore requires careful handling. Onychomycosis belongs to the category of infectious diseases. Without medical help you will acquire a chronic form, with heavy consequences. The disease appears just so, it all depends on the hygiene habits of the person, features of the profession. Disease exposed to people of different age groups. The fungus most often affects the feet and the nails on the big finger of the foot. The nail plate on the hands are affected less often. Sometimes, the infection gets on your hands through non-compliance with hygiene standards in the implementation of the manicure or compromised infections of the feet. Frequent cases of the "family" of the infection, despite the overall enjoyment health needs. ! Fungus on the hands – not only a health problem, but aesthetic. In the development of pathology in a patient arise from complexes.
trihofitii, fungi of the genus Candida – the main pathogens of infectious pathology. In rare cases, it forms mold. According to statistics on human skin parasitic approximately 20 species trihofiti. Functions of microorganisms – spore education, resistance to high and low temperatures, drying of the antiseptic solution. When it gets on the skin or under the nail plate, disputes trihofiti grow, reborn on micro-organisms. In the form of thin threads (mycelium) penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin, nails. Mycelium have a thick cell wall, which protects their immune system and antibodies, which began to fight with them. ! The parasites penetrate into the bloodstream, spread to internal organs and systems. As a result, suffer the nails, lymph nodes in different parts of the body.
The source of infestation
Asymptomatic during the initial stage of the disease – in this betrayal of parasites. Fungus on fingers and toes in the early assault almost impossible to notice. For activities, the reproduction of micro-organisms favorable microclimate, it is the heat and humidity. It is therefore not surprising that the infection occurs in the public areas (saunas, water parks, swimming pools, gyms, transport, railway station). The carrier of the infection leaves a microscopic flakes of skin and nails at all as far as (the railings, the shower, the bench in the sauna, towels, shoes, sexual intercourse, painting, sports accessories). Left disputes quickly find a new victim and environment for active growth, reproduction. The first parasites attack people, for which: reduced immunity; weakened by disease body; broken emotional background; injury to the skin, nail plates; problems with compliance with the rules of hygiene. Fans of wooden baths also in the area of risk of infection. The tree has a porous structure, to carry out its thorough disinfection impossible. Mold spores are considered to be permanent residents of the spa, saunas made of natural materials, or the places where they are present household objects made of wood. ! The source of infection – a warm place with high humidity, sanitary facilities, bedding, poorly processed manicure tools, sometimes the dishes!
Clinical forms of the pathology
Onychomycosis – a disease that requires immediate medical help. In the first instance determine the the clinical group pathology. Clinical forms: Normotroficheskie form. The symptoms manifest themselves slowly. Parasites hit the nail on the inner side. Note small yellow spots that eventually enlarge, crawl. Hypertrophic form. The infection affects the nail bed and plate. The nail is covered with cavities, tumors. Affected toes, on the hands. The plate sponge is separated from the bed. Appear whitish shade. Interesting! The disease is typical for the manifest symptoms of more forms.
Manifestations of the fungus infection
Infection in the initial stage is manifested by the same symptoms. The first warning signs of the disease – has changed the shape, the color of the plate (the causes of yellow toenails). How looks the disease in the early stages? At the beginning of the fungus affects the gradually with the progression and spread throughout the area. According to the place of localization we distinguish between types of pathology:
- The distal appearance. Hit the top part of the nail.
- The side appearance. Injection develops on the sides, around the skin.
- The proximal appearance. Infected areas of the board.
- The proximal appearance. Defeat around the nail roller.

Common symptoms of the first attack of micro-organisms notification only. Catches the eyes shade of the slabs, pink color varies muted yellow, later becomes gray. Changes occur in the structure, are beginning to discover the inequalities, the bumps. Later appear the strips in the longitudinal direction, blur, blur. Celebrating amplification, the sensitivity, the capillary at the site of the lesion. The infection is starting to spread on the skin, she turns red and inflamed. Fungus on fingers – often a problem for women, even if in individual cases the pathology of the suffering men.
Parasites on the hands. Primary symptoms:
- loss of gloss, tarnish
- white spots on the nails on the hands
- with the progression of the disease, the plate is made of gray or brown
- the flakes of skin on the palms and fingers of the hands
- celebrate the capillary, delamination, nails falling apart
- the black stripes on the nails
- changes in the skin around the site of the slaughter, it swells, red, flakes
. The appearance of the infected onychomycosis the nails on the photo. The symptoms of athlete's foot and hands have a lot of similarities between them.
Fungus on fingers
Micro-organisms on the feet, the symptoms of:
- the plate is partially covered with a yellow, blurry spots
- color is dim, disappear shine
- celebrating thickening flaking
- peel off the skin between the toes; mild itching between the toes
- legs exude an unpleasant odor
The treatment is in the first stage of development of pathology – a serious decision, because the function of onychomycosis consists in the rapid progression. Late treatment will lead to deformation of the nail plate, the accumulation of poisonous toxins secreted by the parasites. How in the blood, the toxins poison the body, undermine the functioning of vital organs, impair the process of exchange.

Methods to fight infection
Than to treat onychomycosis? The treatment begins with a hike to the doctor, who prescribes a procedure for TANK sowing (on scraping with a connecting lesion), other studies. Diagnostic tests will help to determine the type of fungal infection and sensitivity of the patient to medicines. Treatment in the initial stage requires from the patient a fully self-surrender. Because the road to a full recovery longer need to arm yourself with patience. To avoid the chronic forms it is important to follow all the recommendations of the attending physician.
As the comprehensive treatment, apply to:
- products, moisturizing, nourishing tissue, revitalizing the metabolic processes – the creams, ointments, gels
- means, prevent the development and multiplication of infection – solutions, drops, running the infection is treated by tablets, injections
At the beginning of the disease prescribe drugs non-steroidal and steroid agents (varnishes, ointments). Are warned the next activity, reproduction, parasites, strengthen the immune system, triggers the processes of regeneration.
Outside of the drug:
- Antifungal medications– applied against Candide and yeast fungi.
- allylamine resources – it operates only against fungi.
- Cream (the main ingredient is snake oil).
- Gels.
- Varnish.
In order to slow down the fermentation mycelium is prescribe medication in the form of tablets, which have a fungicidal action.
The list of tablets:
- Capsules – fast-acting drug, does not require treatment other means. At the same time for restoring the appearance of the nail plate apply varnishes or gels.
- Set against the fungus with chinese herbs – drug acts instantly by using the extract of chinese herbs and synthetic substances that are part of the drug.
- The capsule activates the body's defenses, normalizes the state of the microflora.
- Drops – thanks to the main component of naftifine hydrochloride fast acting, soaked in the skin of the veil and creates a strong protection. The Film, created by the drops, does not allow the microorganisms to penetrate into the deeper layers of the dermis.
In the initial stage of the disease applying treatment of folk remedies. Well they fight with the parasites apple cider vinegar, iodine, hydrogen peroxide, the infusion of strong tea, oil of celandine, pepper spray, acid 35% acid. Before that, how to use the medicines or remedies of folk medicine, it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.

After treatment of infection are essential preventive measures.
- no, to get the alien shoes, the health needs;
- shoes are not only comfortable, made of natural materials;
- socks clean, change daily;
- compliance with the rules of hygiene;
- nail care is absolutely clean instrument;
- enhance immunity, vitamin intake.
Mycosis – a disease from which no one is immune. Infected with infections can, how a person with reduced immunity, so even a completely healthy. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with cleanliness, attention to health, adhere to the hygiene. Of course, such measures cannot guarantee safety, but it will minimize the probability of infection of pathogenic microorganisms.