If you recognize the fungus on the feet, is in the initial stage and in time to start treatment, there is great likelihood of rapid recovery with the use of a minimum amount of anti-fungal drugs, which usually represent a danger to health (especially liver), while longer-term use. Unfortunately, not always and not all of them manage to react in time to the first bells of the emergence of fungal lesions, as the symptoms in the initial stage is very similar to benign skin manifestations. You know that feeling when you see the yellow spot on the nail plate on the finger of the legs and the first thoughts that come to mind – nothing, cut, grow into a healthy, clean nail or hit somewhere, will soon pass. Or appeared the little peeling in the interdigital folds, which in 90% write off on the dryness of the skin and start to process the moisturizing creams. And here it is for all these "benign" manifestations of the most frequently and hides all known and hated nails on the feet.
Precipitating factors and sources of infection

Pregnancy can cause the development of fungal diseases, as with women in this period one can observe a sharp decline in immunity and the violation of hormonal background.
Fungus on the feet, as well as many of the disease, may develop itself for its occurrence and progression is the need for a favorable environment. There are a number of factors and associated diseases, provoking the emergence of this disease:
- a sharp decline in immunity;
- the absence or violation of personal hygiene;
- excessive sweating;
- diabetes mellitus;
- obesity;
- flat feet;
- diseases of the blood vessels of the lower extremities;
- the constant abrasions and injuries;
- operational intervention, etc.
We have listed the most popular causes of fungus on the feet, but even an unhealthy diet or long-term use of antibiotics can also cause the development of fungal infections.
Infection most commonly occurs after using the bot a sick person or visit the public showers. In recent years also point to the rapid growth, the spread of fungal infections via the manicure instruments. To the sources of contamination can be attributed to:
- means for personal hygiene of the sick person (washcloth, pumice stone);
- things of the infected person (socks, stockings, boots, shoes, slippers, pants);
- flooring (especially wood), bath, showers, gym.
Activators of fungus on the feet is very resistant to the environment and vary by that can for a long time remain in a latent condition in wood, towels, socks. During the exacerbation in spring and autumn.
How to recognize fungus on the feet in the initial phase?

Here experienced dermatologists recommend to pay attention not only to external but also internal symptoms. He pointed out that they all go to the spa, swimming pools, sunbathing on the beach, but the fungus affects only separately to individual people? It's about what is indispensable to its development in a favorable environment – reduced resistance of the organism. This condition can be observed in the presence of associated diseases or newly delegated medical activities which have been used antibiotics or hormonal drugs.
Now let's talk about the manifestation of mold on the skin of the feet. The main symptoms include:
- diverge in the interdigital folds;
- peeling between the toes;
- hardening of the skin on the heels;
- coming off of the skin on the feet, toes;
- the deformation of the nail plate (thickening or thinning);
- discoloration of nails (yellow, brown, black);
- redness and swelling of the feet;
- the appearance of red spots on the sides and the inner side of the foot;
- flakes on the entire surface of the foot;
- itching of varying intensity (depending on the localization and pathogen);
- a stinking odor (most often occurs in people who suffer from increased sweating).
In deep mycosis can be observed the formation of bubbles, crusts and cracks, which are accompanied by strong itching and pain sensations. In some cases the lesion is located in such places that because of the severe pain not able to become on the foot. This can lead to temporary loss of working capacity and problems with movement.
Types and classification
As you know, the athlete can call a variety of representatives, on the basis of that can vary the localization of the foci of the lesions. Most often, the fungus on the feet can be caused by:
- dermatomycosis;
- candido mycosis;
- deep mycosis.
All of the athlete's feet now considered a separate disease, caused by various agents and localized at different points of the feet, but they are all connected by one name – the fungus on the feet. The most common of them:
- Rubrofitiya stop. Make up approximately 60% of all mycoses of feet. Stands out high on the virulence and prevalence in some strata of the population. The initial stage of the rubromikoza feet is a typical setback between the fingers, folds on the feet. Further in the process to engage the sole and inner side of the foot. The defeat of the nail plastic in rubrofitii observed in every third patient. Quite often in combination with mold on your hands, especially when generalized rubromikoze.
- Epidermo mycoses. These include two separate diseases – Epidermofitiya stop and Epidermofitiya inguinal-femoral folds. In both cases, the lesion localized on the feet. Epidermofitii feet are characteristic of the defeat of the folds between the toes, the soles and the back side of the legs. Less often the process spreads on the nails (it is usually In and toes). Lesion covered by scales and crusts. Present itching of varying intensity. In acute cases, it is possible to observe the overall malaise and headache. Inguinal Epidermofitiya manifests itself in the form of large scaly patches in the groin, on the inner side of the legs, the hips and the perianal area. The lesion may attain the size of large plates, be accompanied by mild itching, peeling and swelling.
- On the onychomycosis. Every year the incidence of fungal nail infections is constantly growing. Right now (according to statistics, in mid-2016) in 10-18% of russians diagnosed with onychomycosis of the nails of varying degrees of severity. Of great importance in their development of play environmental and social factors. Also at risk are people who have problems with the cardiovascular, the immune and the endocrine system. Men get sick in 1,3 times more often women. In children for onychomycosis occur very rarely, the peak occurrence in people aged 50 to 70 years.
- Candidiasis. Rarely, but still there are cases of destruction of the feet fungus Candida. In individual cases, vulvovaginal balanoposthitis can spread to the genitals in the perianal zone and inguinal-femoral folds. About the something more often occurring yeast-like fungi occur on the nails. In the initial stage to celebrate the soreness of the nail roller, when the pressure to which it may be pus. Over time, its color gets brown-brown shade.
There are still rubrofitiya smooth skin, but the lesion in her often occur on the feet. And here rubromikozu in the groin to the typical defeat the inner part of the legs red spots.
Treatment and prevention of
Diagnosis of the fungus on the feet involves the examination of clinical images, collection scraping with the connection of the destruction, possession of a microscopic examination (the findings of the threads of mycelium) and bacterial seeding for the definition of the culture of mushrooms. Before visiting the doctor cannot handle a hotbed of defeat by all means! The differential diagnosis spend with eczema, severe acne and pin dermatitis.
Treatment Epidermofitii and rubrofitii in the groin is performed using external drugs (most commonly Clotrimazole). The prognosis is positive, the duration of therapeutic activity is rarely more than one month. As prevention it is recommended the processing of the tabernacle of the slaughter of the alcohol solutions in the presence of itching can be assigned to the antihistamines.

Harder things are with mycosis of the feet and onychomycosis, as well as in the initial stage, are very difficult to treat and is prone to relapse. The most effective is considered to be a combination of external and systemic medications, strict adherence to dosage, of personal hygiene and rules of disinfection. Well established combination of diflucan in capsules and terbinafine in the form of an ointment (the processing of the tabernacle of defeat is 2R/ad in during the month). Great attention at the gRibke feet is devoted to the processing of shoes and socks, that could be the cause of recurrence. Socks it is advisable to cook or wash at a temperature of 90 degrees, insoles and shoes inside must master the solution ChloeRgексидином.
And, most importantly, remember that today nails on the feet, found in the initial stage, successfully treatable with modern medication, and it running on onychomycosis and athlete's foot can be treated months and even years.