How to cure nail fungus at home, it is necessary to use special preparations. Methods and therapy differ for the basic and the running phase of the disease. Recognize each of them can be according to certain symptoms. The disease itself is called onychomycosis. Can not let him leave it to chance, because pathology long, it is difficult to treat. A certain remedy against the nail fungus on the feet is chosen with regard to the severity of the symptoms.

What is nail fungus
Onychomycosis – this is one of the most common infectious diseases, which cause the microorganisms in the form of yeast and mold spores. Because of their rapid spread of the nail plate begin to turn yellow, crack, crumble, and grow fat. Due to the proliferation of mold and mildew can completely lose the nail. If left untreated, they crumble. Infected with mold and mildew easily in public places. In particular, this refers to saunas, swimming pools, beaches, nail salons, fitness clubs.
From what appears
The majority of cases infection occurs through the joint with a sick person everyday objects or his shoes. More prone to fungus nails are people with higher sweating of the feet. More often, the fungus feet appear in adults, in children it is celebrated much less frequently. The reasons for the development of the disease act:
- wearing tight shoes;
- lack of hygiene;
- disorders of the endocrine and nervous system;
- weakened immunity;
- poor blood circulation to the lower extremities;
- frequent visits to places with high humidity;
- infectious chronic disease;
- the deformation of the legs;
- diseases of the blood vessels.
Kinds of nail fungus on your feet
There are several species of fungi, which can be impressed by the nail plates on the feet. The main of them are the following:
- Stale. Defeat them more vulnerable people, weakened by the long illness. The nail acquires a bluish, yellowish or greenish shade, even black. To completely remove the fungus on the nails of the feet can be for 1-2 months.
- Yeast. The nail becomes rough, covered with furrows and waves, acquires a yellow or brown color. When disease progression board behind the bed. Nail rollers when this fester, thicken.
- Dermatophytes. Manifested by yellow spots on the nail plate. The edge of the nail away from the bed. With the deteriorating condition of the yellow from fully absorbing the nails.
First the disease affects the large toes. For a long time it destroys your nails. When the spread of mold caught off guard and the other fingers. A person feels a strong itching between them. The skin begins to peel and crack. Further, the pathology is manifested by the following symptoms:
- Change the color of the nail plate. In the normal state it is translucent, has a pinkish hue. After the fungal lesions of the nail color changes to yellow, brown or black.
- Thickening of the nail plate. Going on the paved its actinic, and therefore, becomes the large intestine. In more advanced cases, it even prevents the treatment.
- The crumbling. In the absence of proper treatment is the destruction of the nail plate, it's completely crumble.

Signs of destruction of mold and mildew vary depending on the stage of onychomycosis. Injection is done quickly, and to recognize the pathology, you can of the following symptoms:
- The first phase of the. Simple eye recognize it, it is very difficult. It can only doctor who when more increase able to see the small bright spots.
- The second phase of the. Pathology continues to progress. Small strips and points escalate into the whole dot. This leads to the destruction of the plates. Disappear the shine of the nail plate, it begins to turn yellow.
- The third stage of the. When ignoring previous symptoms may completely lose the nail. The skin around it will be red and flaky. The nail is fully stratifies. In this context, there has been an unpleasant odor
How to diagnose fungus
The external manifestations of the disease confirm the defeat of the toenails fungal infection. The cause of the fault is possible only with the help of laboratory tests. To determine the adequate therapy of onychomycosis differencebut with psoriasis, red flat deprive, and so forth, When there were signs of it is worth it to turn to the mycologist or a dermatologist. Methods of diagnosis of the following:
- Microsporia. Is scratching with the nail plate. For grasping the material the nails are treated with a special substance, damaging the keratin. In this form the material is easier to explore.
- The study of bacteria. It is inside the material in the nutritional environment. The causative agent of the infection is determined by the speed of growth, flowering and form colonies. This study allows to identify the sensitivity of the micro-organism to drugs.
- DNA-diagnostics. This method brings a zone of defeat only on dermatophytes and fungus candida. Diagnosis is done by a special device, so expensive.
How to cure nail fungus on my feet
Depending on the clinical forms, manifestations of the disease, size of the affected area and the degree of nail changes doctor will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Therapy may include:
- ointments, creams, solutions, drops, sprays for disinfection and processing of shoes, which help the fungal infection is mild or moderate in severity;
- tablets in the overflow of the disease in the severe stage;
- surgical removal of the nail plate when severe or recurrent infection;
- folk remedies, for example, soda, garlic, hydrogen peroxide, ointment of birch tar, tea tree oil, tincture of celandine, propolis, acetic acid.
In the initial stage
When small volumes of lesions to treat onychomycosis will give you a local therapy. This includes the patch with the effect of peeling away with, therapeutic varnishes, creams, gels and ointments. These drugs are effective only in the initial stage of onychomycosis. They are placed directly on the damaged nail and the surrounding tissue for a long time. Sometimes for a full recovery is necessary for about a year.
Launched the fungus
If the disease is already running, then the external resources were not effective. It is necessary to use the medication for internal use. These include the antifungal drugs in the form of tablets and capsules. Are oppressed the development of the pathogen, blocking its spread. In addition, the tablets have a prolonged action, and therefore reduce the likelihood of re-infection.

Than to treat nail fungus on feet
Depending on the stage of the disease the doctor will prescribe patients some medicines. The main groups of anti-fungal drugs are:
preparations for systemic use;
- resources for local application.
This group of drugs includes a variety of medication that is applied directly to the affected nails. The main of them are:
- varnishes;
- spray;
- solutions;
- cream
Special varnishes
In the early stages of the disease it is possible to use anti-fungal lacquers. Contribute to the mitigation of the nail plate, increasing the concentration in them medicinal substances.
Ointments and creams
The effectiveness of local drugs is caused by the direct contact of the medication with a fire pit of defeat. In the first stage of the disease is prescribed only as a remedy, because tablets have more adverse events.
Antifungal tablets
If the symptoms of nail fungus on your feet point to the running stage of the disease, then the doctor prescribes more serious antifungal drugs in tablet form.
Laser therapy.
If the nail fungus on the feet in the running stage and is not treatable with drugs, then they are used more radical methods. One of the effective ways is laser. Under the influence of radiation of mold spores, they die. In addition, the laser does not cause damage to the surrounding tissue. Even the united states phase of the onychomycosis can be cured in 3-4 treatments.
Treatment for nail fungus on the feet of folk remedies
Ways to treat fungus on the nails on the feet of folk remedies, it is advisable to use together with the application of the drug of drugs. In particular, it is the running stage of the disease. In this case, the use of only folk recipes will not help. At the first signs of onychomycosis can use vinegar, iodine, kombucha, tincture of celandine.
How to get rid of mold is used apple cider vinegar. It is necessary to mix with the lukewarm water in a ratio of 1:1. In this solution it is necessary to hold the feet for about 15-20 minutes. After the legs it is necessary to put to dry completely. Repeat the procedure with the recommended daily for 2 weeks. During this time, it is possible to observe, as it begins to grow new, not damaged fungus nails.
Effective treatment of nail fungus on the feet is made and using iodine. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Every day it is necessary to process iodine the affected nail plates. Important it is to constantly lubricate the tip of the nail, which adult. It is a remedy for a foot fungus has good reviews. Iodine can also be used for a hot bath. For this 10 drops of means to dissolve in 0,5 l of water, rising to her feet for 10 minutes.

The help of the tea fungus make compresses. For this board, these funds need to make to the patient the nail, wrap the cellophane and bandage. At the top it is necessary to wear socks. It is best to do the procedure at night and in the morning your feet, rinse under warm water, after which it is remove the affected area and rub in iodine. Many patients note severe pain, but if it fails, is it possible to cure the mold.
Fresh celandine is a need to skip through a meat grinder, squeeze from the resulting pulp juice, using 3-4 layers of gauze. It is necessary to take so much weed to come up 200 ml of fluid. To it add 200 ml of 70% alcohol and leave to cook for the whole day. Ready is a means to lubricate the affected after 10 minutes of steaming of the feet and their complete drying. The course of treatment is not less than 10-12 days. Per day the nail plate it is necessary to process 3-4 times.